Where Sales Teams Turn for Better Sales Tactics
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Why? “For the Money”
One of the most important things we do (as Sales Trainers & Coaches) is to determine what motivates our clients. Sometimes that’s easy to do – other times, not so much. The question is an easy one to ask: “Why are you in sales?” The hard part (for some salespeople) are the answers we have […]
Are you a Sales Manager or a Sales Leader?
Everywhere you turn there is an article on leadership. Not a day goes by that you can’t find a blog or white paper oneffective management strategies. A cluttered space to say the least. At the risk of adding to this already-cluttered-space here’s a hard look at the difference between people that just have the job […]
Rest on Your Laurels? Not in 2023
When things are going well. Your clients & customers are happy, everything is on auto pilot, that’s great. The salehas been made & the orders are coming in. Ahhh, time to relax, right? If only it were that easy. In the sales world, it’s never that easy – never time to relax. Matter of fact, […]
Virtual Selling is Still Here to Stay
Hmmm, the Hard Part of Selling Has Always Been Virtual!
Can you stand all the hype around virtual selling these days? Do you need one more Sales Trainer or Coachpromising to help you & your Sales Team improve your virtual selling skills? People are working from home so we can’t go & see them. “We need to sell virtually.””How do we get better atvirtual selling?”“Let’s […]
Sales & Dating; Same Game
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day let’s do a little comparison between selling & dating. Two truths to start: Doesn’t matter. What does matter is that we’re all salespeople AND if you have ever dated you will agree that selling & dating are verysimilar. There are common threads woven through each. Very tightly woven. Not […]
4 Times You are Sounding Desperate in Sales
Face, it: Nobody likes a desperate person. Desperation smells a mile away & turns people off instantly. You remember that feeling back when you were dating (or if you are dating, now): He calls too much! She texts me every day. What is wrong with him? How bored is she? That’s your personal life. Sales […]
How was 2022? You Only Have Yourself to Thank . . . or Blame
Sales. How can you not love sales? One of very few professions where you sit back, look at the past year, feel great about a great year (or crappy about a crappy year) & have nobody else to thank (or blame) but yourself. Sure, you had help. You have products & services. Yes, there is […]
Goodbye 2022
This is no Happy New Year blog. Not gonna do it. Too many of those floating around social media this week. This is a Goodbye Old Year blog. Let’s say Goodbye to all the crap that got in your way in 2022. You know, all the B.S. that kept you from reaching your sales goals. […]
The Twelve Days of Selling
Props, again, to Christy Seitz for this idea – The Twelve Days of Selling. Thank Christy for this one if you like it. If not… it’s all on me. On the first day of Christmas, my sales coach said to me get to reality. On the second day of Christmas, my sales coach said to […]
Let’s talk referrals! Better yet . . . pre-qualified introductions, where folks are expecting your call. People that are expecting to talk to you, because they want to & because you’ve been introduced by a mutual contact, are easier to sell. Period. When it comes to the general topic of referrals, most salespeople don’t ask. I’ve […]