Where Sales Teams Turn for Better Sales Tactics
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5 Times You are Acting too Nice in sales (adding NO VALUE)
Who wasn’t raised to “Be nice to people?” Growing up, how many times did you hear, “Don’t do that, you be nice to your brother or sister?” Your mom or dad often said, “That’s not nice, say you’re sorry.” That’s just good rearing. The kind of advice that you’d get in any parenting book. So, […]
Just Because You are an Approved Supplier Does Not Mean Each Opportunity is Qualified!
Well, this makes two blogs in a row where the title says it all! So, you are an approved supplier. Sure hope so! You HAVE to be an approved supplier to get in on the deals in 2025 (entry level stakes). But that does not mean that all of the deals you pursue are qualified. […]
If They’re Not Talking, They’re Not Buying
The title says it all! How many times have you met with your prospect (engineering, quality, purchasing, etc.) spent hours crafting a perfect solution, spent even more hours preparing a detailed quote, met with them again, submitted the quote, followed up, & then… nothing. They go radio silent. You know radio silent: that period during […]
Football & Sales: Same Game According to One Great Coach
Every-so-often it makes sense to re-purpose a blog. This is one of those times from a year ago – enjoy. Say what you want about the Alabama Crimson Tide football team. Say even more about recently retired Head Coach, Nick Saban. There is no arguing about the great play of Alabama. Even less arguing about […]
Egos Aside . . . We Have Some Selling To Do
How many sales meetings did you attend in 2024 to review the Sales Team’s pipeline? Some companies do it weekly. Others every other week. Some monthly. Whatever your cadence, there is a good chance the weekly, the bi-weekly and the monthly are ALL THE SAME MEETINGS! Whether you attended 50 of them, or 26 of […]
Can We Bring the Fun Back to Selling?
Attention readers: This IS NOT a piece on positive mental attitude. We all have good days and bad days. This is only to suggest that, given the choice, most people would prefer to surround themselves with positive and charismatic people. Thanks to the salespeople and sales leaders out there taking a little time to read […]
The Twelve Days of Selling
We will never stop giving props to Christy Seitz for this idea – The Twelve Days of Selling. Thank Christy for this one if you like it. If not . . . it’s all on me. On the first day of Christmas, my sales coach said to me get to reality. On the second day […]
It’s the Holidays, I’m a Salesperson… Nobody Wants to Hear from Me. 5 Reasons That is Total B.S.!
What would the holiday season be without the “It’s the Holidays blog…? It’s that time of year. Time for a reality check. How many salespeople do you know that go on cruise control between Thanksgiving & New Year’s Day? How many companies do you know that will actually admit to winding things down right about […]
Sales is a Game of Inches
Where have all the “lay-downs” gone? You know a lay-down – the easiest sale you have ever made. It takes no work. A customer or prospect called or emailed & practically said, take my money, we need 024help! Have you had your lay down yet this year? If you did congrats – if not you […]
Goal Setting: It’s Not Sexy But it’s Necessary
5 Steps to 2025 Goal-Setting Let’s get this out of the way right now – this will not be the sexiest blog you have ever read. Not at all. The topic is goalsetting. How sexy is that? Not sexy, but necessary. We’re 8 weeks away from 2025. If you haven’t thought about what your 2025 […]